Been gone for a minute now I’m back with the JUMP OFF!

HEYYY Y”ALL! I can’t believe it’s been two years since I’ve last blogged. So much has happened since the last time I’d posted. I am officially a designer! My brand is A.Nicole Designs. Designing brings me so much joy and I am finally where I belong.  Life has had it’s ups and down over the past two years. I am still at this job that I hate, and I also picked up a part time gig. So my work life balance is STRESSFUL AF.  I am not where I want to be in life and that is fine. I’ve found my peace in design and I will continue to do what brings my happiness. I think back on my journey and I realize everything happens for a reason. I have to keep pushing and striving for more. Always remember to congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come. I’ve been doing that more often and It makes me feel so good.

Never doubt your greatness! Everything and anything that you want to do go out and do it ! You either fail at it or succeed. It’s better than not trying at all! We need to stop with the same old excuses on being tired or not having the right tools to do what we want. God has equipped up with the tools we need to succeed. So just JUMP! Have some FAITH! You got this!

I’ll be updating this blog real soon. My new blog will be like my mini Diary. I want to get real transparent with you guys this go around. I love going back and seeing how far I’ve come so lets continue making memories.